New Set of AGIA Board of Directors CYs 2022–2023

AGIA has been a dynamic organization ever since its inception more than 62 years ago. The members of the Board of Directors after serving a four (4) year term, of which election is staggered every two (2) years to ensure transition and maintain level of continuity, will have to relinquish their positions without the benefit of any term extensions, so to speak. (And with the COVID19 pandemic notwithstanding and still very much in our midst and has since been known to be fatal to some of our peers, colleagues and loved ones, both here and abroad), the AGIA being likened to a runaway train – has remained steadfast and firm in its commitment to serve its ever growing number of members who are either performing as internal auditors or doing allied functions related to internal control activities in the public sector.

Having said that, last January 11, 2022 or the 2nd Tuesday of the month, the composition of eight (8) newly-elected members of the AGIA Board of Directors and the eight (8) retained members from the previous Board or those who have yet to complete their second term of another 2 years, had conducted the election of their new set of officers from the President down to the Press Relations Officer as well as the designation of chairpersons, vice chairpersons and members of the various regular and the ad hoc committees of the AGIA. Surprisingly, the whole exercise came without so much delays or even lengthy discussions but rather nominations and elections for those vacant posts sailed on smoothly, gracefully, and with so much expression of kindness and accommodation from among all the members.

We are therefore pleased to announce and present the composition of the new set of officers of AGIA and of the various committees for Calendar Year 2022-2023:

With the AGIA new set of officers and the compositions of the various committees already identified, duly- elected and appointed as well as with the staffing of the AGIA Secretariat that has been filled-up with equally talented, committed and competent individuals led by our office manager, Ms Maureen Haduca, we are now bent on suiting up, folding up our sleeves and ready to work to be able to forge ahead and meet the new challenges made much harder and difficult as posed by this period of COVID19 pandemic. But we are not in any way intimidated nor discouraged with this spectre because we know in our hearts that we can overcome and become triumphant – because we will move as one solid team-AGIA. Godbless us all and for everyone to be safe always.


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