By Dir. Dinah E. Pichay

A strategic planning activity conducted on February 25-26, 2022 at the Pepperland Hotel in Legaspi City, underscored the beginning of the term of Dir. Marissa Fabricante, who will serve as AGIA President for CY 2022-2023. With the majestic Mayon Volcano as a backdrop, the new Board took inspiration from the volcano’s perfect shape to craft a seamless map to serve as a guide for operations in the next two years.

The two-day planning activity was an opportune time to revisit AGIA’s thrusts and redirect focus on the priorities of the present leadership towards mission and vision accomplishment. Highlights of the event were the review of AGIA’s mission and vision, strategy map and balance scorecard; identification of strategic goals and strategic measures; determination of initiatives to facilitate achievement of various objectives; and budgetary requirements.

Prior to the main planning activity, the Board Members, sitting in varied capacities in the different Committees, conducted their respective pre-planning activities to identify their key performance indicators and timelines for their accomplishment. Outputs of the pre-planning activities were presented by the Committee Chairpersons to the Board for comments and subsequent approval. The respective performance commitments shall be evaluated relative to the status of accomplishments during the mid-year and year-end assessment workshops.

The strategic planning workshop coincided with the oath-taking of the new AGIA Board administered by Sorsogon Gov. Francis “Chiz’ Escudero.


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