AGIA President
CY 2024-2025

Department Manager III 

Internal Audit Department

National Tobacco Administration

President’s Message

On behalf of the CY 2024-2025 AGIA Board of Directors, greetings!

Serving the AGIA and its members as President is a great opportunity and also a great responsibility. Being a member of the AGIA Board of Directors from 2016-2019, and elected back to serve for the term 2022-2025, had opened new doors of learning opportunities. Being able to network with both public and private sector internal audit practitioners had allowed for learning best practices and trends in the IA profession.

The role of AGIA President poses a great responsibility which calls for being proactive in addressing the challenges both in sustaining internal operations while  creating value for its members. We shall continue to make membership to AGIA attractive to internal audit practitioners and allied professionals in the public sector, and both current and potential members must have a clear concept of the benefits associated with their membership. On stakeholder relationships, we shall continue fostering work with relevant parties for the advancement of the internal auditing profession.

I believe that there is still place for many more new actions and improvements with the goal of serving the members. I, together with the AGIA BOD, look forward to serving you and working with you, at the same time count on your support and feedback. Let us continue to keep our communication lines open.

All the best for 2024-2025!